GrowthAssistant– A Short Journey to $20M ARR

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Good morning! It's Thursday, December 7th. Today we are looking at the outsourcing company GrowthAssistant, which hit $50K in MRR within 100 days and is set to reach $20M in ARR by 2024!


GrowthAssistant– A Short Journey to $20M ARR

GrowthAssistant helps businesses outsource work to high-quality offshore talent, allowing them to focus on the big picture and drive growth. That doesn't sound unique, but the exponential growth the company has seen in a short period is. 

Within the first 100 days, GrowthAssistant hit $50K in MRR, and it isn't slowing down– expecting to hit $20M in ARR by the end of 2024!

So, What’s the Business?

Jesse Pujji was already a weathered entrepreneur before founding GrowthAssistant, having created the marketing firm Ampush (which he sold for 8-figures last May). 

While growing Ampush, Pujji kept a long list of business ideas and decided to test a few out in January 2021. One of those ideas was GrowthAssistant, an outsourcing company he'd grow off his "unfair advantages": his network from Ampush and extensive knowledge of growth marketing.

Despite his expertise, Pujji needed a co-founder who specialized in HR, recruiting, and operations. By some cosmic coincidence, Pujji received a call from one of his childhood best friends, Adriane Schwager, who just quit her job running HR at a hedge fund for ~10 years. 

Schwager was looking to become her own boss and wanted startup advice, but Pujji countered with a job offer: she would be GrowthAsisstant's CEO, and he would be Chairman. She'd already seen companies like McKinsey and Goldman Sachs leverage global talent and believed an affordable outsourcing company alternatively tailored to DTC brands could be a massive success. 

Pujji purchased the domain, and Schwager learned how to hire and train people from the Philippines— an ideal outsourcing region due to its universities and English fluency. In the first few months, GrowthAssistant's website and branding were all developed by their recently recruited overseas talent! 

With Schwager using her HR background and Pujji pitching GrowthAssistant to his vast marketing network, the company grew like crazy.

In the first 100 days, GrowthAssistant had clients like DoorDash, Noom, and Varsity tutors. Today, they've surpassed a run-rate of $11M ARR and have 100+ clients.

How They Win: Teaching Clients How to Offshore Correctly

Pujji and Schwager's standard package is $2,500/month for one full-time Growth Assistant (40 hours/week). Growth Assistants are fluent in English, have a college education, and represent the top 0.5% of offshore talent (Schwager reviews each of the 50K applications they receive annually). 

GrowthAssistant provided fantastic value, but Pujji kept running into the same hesitations from prospective clients: they only wanted part-time help. Instead of altering their business model, they adjusted their sales pitch to address this pain point directly. 

When each Growth Assistant is hired, Schwager provides templates/playbooks to ensure the overseas talent is put to maximum use over all paid hours. For instance, if a company wanted to launch a Facebook advertising campaign, GrowthAssistant has a playbook for that, and its workers will execute it autonomously with approval from the client along the way. 

GrowthAssistant began with two roles: digital marketing assistant and graphic designer. Since then, they've launched positions like HR manager, customer success manager, business operations assistant, and many more— each role/worker accompanied by a guidebook for clients on how to use them sufficiently. 

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