If It Works, Build It Again - Making $8M in 90 Days.

GM! It's Friday, February 24th - Today, we're covering an entrepreneur who had a business idea so good that he built it twice, and Former FTX Founder Sam Bankman-Fried was hit with four new criminal charges.

- Callum


If It Works, Build It Again - Making $8M in 90 Days.

Nikita Bier wanted to make $10m in 90 days...then he went and did it.

What's The Business?

INikita is the founder of Gas App, a social media app for teens that lets users anonymously compliment their friends. He launched the app in August 2022, and by December, it was the most popular app in the country. By January 2023, Discord bought the business for a low 8 figures.

The best part? Nikita built the same exact business 4 years ago and sold it to Facebook for ~$30m.

The Critical Insight

In 2012 Nikita figured out that teenagers would list their high school in their Instagram bio. He used that insight to create virality that would drive millions of teenagers to the app.

Let's unpack it!

How Did They Do It?

Using a private Instagram account, the Gas app team would find and follow thousands of students at a specific high school.

Within their profile, they'd say something that would drive massive curiosity, like - "You're invited to Gas App. Stay tuned!"

This would make all the students request to follow the account.

At 4:00pm, when school let out, they'd make their account public, and Instagram would notify all of the students, who would then all sign up for the app at the same time.

The viral nature of the app's anonymous surveys would create massive engagement throughout the school, forcing every student to sign up.

The team would rinse and repeat that process state by state, creating a viral wave that pushed the Gas App to the top of the app charts.

And that's the hack!


Why Are So Many Big Names Investing In Food Delivery Robots?

Serve Robotics is already getting investment from giants like Uber and Nvidia, and now they’re inviting our readers to take a look at this opportunity.

The Serve team – composed of execs from companies like Postmates and Doordash – has developed sidewalk delivery robots already operational in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Their list of partners includes names like 7-Eleven, Google, Walmart and Pizza Hut. And they are far from finished in their mission to transform global food delivery.

So why are all of these legends going in on Serve?

“Green” investing is only a part of the picture…

For decades, people have been delivering hot food door-to-door in gas-powered vehicles, driving the same block for hours a day. That’s a lot of unnecessary CO2.

Serve’s sidewalk delivery robots are zero-emission, with the potential to:

  • take 5% of food deliveries off the road in five years,

  • cut out 1 billion car miles traveled

  • and reduce carbon emissions by 3 metric tons.

But that’s not the only thing that makes Serve a game-changer…

The market for food delivery is projected to nearly double by 2028. And Serve has arrived early with an opportunity to define the entire industry with robotics.

You can become a Serve investor before a new era of delivery trends and preferences.

*Disclosure: This is a paid advertisement for Serve Robotics’ Regulation CF Offering. Please read the offering circular at invest.serverobotics.com

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Sam Bankman-Fried Hit With 4 New Criminal Charges

You should know:

FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried was hit with four new criminal charges in a superseding indictment in New York federal court, including commodities fraud and unlawful political contributions.

  • A source familiar with the new counts said that SBF could face an additional 40 years in prison if convicted in the case, where he is accused of “multiple schemes to defraud.”

  • In all, SBF "made over 300 political contributions, totaling tens of millions of dollars, that were unlawful because they were made in the name of a straw donor or paid for with corporate funds."


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If you’re a small biz owner, hiring can be a nightmare...

When we had open positions at Capital Letter, a friend recommended Agent.

They find, vet, and facilitate the hiring of top-tier talent in the Philippines for up to 80% less than US equivalents. You can hire amazing full-time employees starting at ~$800/month.

Now we have a team member from Agent, fully tailored and right for the role. If you’re ready to fill your next position, give them a shot.

Want to see how much you could be paying? Get a custom salary quote here.

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