6sense– The $5B Software Company Helping Businesses Grow

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Good morning! It's Friday, November 17th. Today, we are looking at 6sense— an ABM company using AI data analysis to drive sales and revenue growth for its subscribers!


6sense– The $5B Software Company Helping Businesses Grow

In recent years, businesses have seen a massive increase in their sales cycle length. This is clearly seen in B2B models, with 75% of sales taking at least four months to close and nearly 50% taking more than seven months. 

As companies struggle to acquire new customers despite sizable investments in marketing, they are looking to businesses like 6sense for a solution. 

6sense takes a data-first approach to helping businesses understand consumer behavior and increase marketing ROIs. The company has grown 1,136% over the last three years and generates $110M in annual revenue!

So, What’s the Business?

Amanda Kahlow, Dustin Chang, Viral Bajaria, Premal Shah, and Shane Moriah founded 6sense in 2013. The idea behind 6sense came from working at CI Insights and helping Cisco revamp its sales process. 

While consulting for Cisco, the founders of 6sense dug deep into structured and unstructured data and found that they could predict with high probability whether a person could be converted into a customer and what products the person would be interested in. Back in 2013, consumer data analysis at this level was completely new, and 6sense set out to prove its power. 

6sense sells account-based marketing (ABM) software that uses AI-powered predictive models to help businesses identify lucrative accounts likely to buy their products, predict consumer readiness, and create targeted advertising messaging. 

According to 6sense, their customers report a 100% increase in average deal size, 30% faster deal cycles, and a 120% improvement in revenue effectiveness. Though these stunning results may be hard to believe, 6sense delivers on its promises according to its clients like Shell, Qualtrics, Experian, and other multi-billion-dollar companies. 

The market for ABM software is still relatively small, sitting at an estimated $750M in 2021 but expected to grow to $3.1B in 2030. Since 6sense was one of the first companies to pioneer this data-first practice, it has absolutely cornered the market with its $5.2B valuation and $110M revenue run rate.

How They Win: An AI Approach to Every Step of Revenue Growth

With all the data 6sense has collected on consumer behavior since 2013, they aren’t only experts at harvesting it– they tell businesses how to execute on it. Essentially, 6sense takes all the guesswork out of converting customers. 

Discovering buyer intent

6sense integrates software with its clients’ business websites to gather first-party data. While website visitor data is often anonymized, 6sense works around this by using reverse IP lookups and cookies (so much for data privacy!) 

Engagement data from third-party sites like Google is also gathered to get a complete consumer profile. 

Once all the data is collected, it’s visualized onto a dashboard that tracks each customer across a purchase funnel (like how food delivery apps track your driver), denoting as they progress from target to consideration, decision, and purchase. 

Recommended actions

6sense’s new Revenue AI product played a big role in the company’s recent 1,136% growth. With Revenue AI, 6sense’s clients now receive detailed recommendations and plans on how to use the vast amounts of data they receive. 

Revenue AI analyzes consumer data and categorizes targets based on which ones should be reached out to first and what marketing techniques are most likely to work. 

Email marketing

Beyond detailed marketing plans, 6sense’s AI Email Assistant can draft and deliver promotions. 

After analyzing consumer purchase history, the AI email assistant creates personalized emails and can autonomously run email marketing campaigns and integrate them through top sales platforms like Salesforce, Outreach, and Drift.

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